Mindset and mindfulness. You will have heard of both of these words as they have increased in usage more and more over the last decade. But, while they often form part of the same wellbeing puzzle, they are actually quite different concepts. This article will explain the difference and tell you what each can do for your wellbeing.

So, What Is The Difference?
The difference between a mindset vs mindfulness is subtle in a lot of ways, the two work well together. But the difference lies in the why.
Mindfulness is about being aware of yourself and your surroundings and making peace with it. It is accepting whatever you are feeling and not worrying about it. Mindfulness does not require a change in behaviour, just an acceptance of how things are right now.
Mindset is different in that the goal is about changing your thinking so you change your behaviours too.
If you’ve read my last blog post on letting go of your limiting beliefs you will understand more about the power of changing your mind!
Let’s explore the difference further with some examples.

Mindset is about self-belief. It is taking responsibility for your behaviour to help you feel purposeful in life. Mindset can help show you how much you can improve and feel better through positive thought, or optimistic self-talk.
A mindset is a positive, hopeful outlook on life; it’s about learning from each and every experience and how to be open to all possibilities.
Example 1: Mindset vs Mindfulness
If you are experiencing stress due to a lot going on with work and family, your mindset helps you learn from and be open to all possibilities. Mindfulness is about focusing on what needs to be done as opposed to how stressed you are about it.
Can you see the overlap? Let’s look at another example below.
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present-moment experience without evaluation. Mindfulness helps us to step back from our worries and feelings so we can see what they mean in a bigger picture.

Example 2: Mindset vs Mindfulness
Where you might use mindfulness to become less anxious about having a lot to do on a particular day, using meditation to combat overwhelm and focus on each task at hand, for example, mindset on the other hand is about learning from your experiences and then doing something specific to improve.

Why Mindfulness and Mindset Work Well Together
Mindset is all about changing your thinking so you change your behaviours too. Mindfulness and mindset work well together as mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thought processes and negative self-talk so you can work out what changes you need to make.
The Benefits of Mindset Coaching
I was fortunate in finding an excellent lifestyle coach who helped me understand my own mindset. Using this knowledge, I have developed an approach to perimenopause and menopause that helped me reset my hormones, manage my weight and enjoy my life more.
It really did change my life. I now use a mindset coaching approach as part of my program with all my clients.
Most people enter a relationship with a coach with certain perceived needs, but mindset coaching can help you uncover more complex needs beneath.
For example, sometimes we would come to realise that food or exercise was being used to cover for boundary and emotional issues such as ‘overwhelm’ or lack of purpose.
Mindset coaching helps you make lasting changes, enhancing your emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing to enjoy life!
For more information, please visit my website.