About Loliya Harrison

My story

I am a Licensed and Certified Women’s Vitality and Life Coach, with a holistic approach that includes Physical Coaching, Nutritional Coaching and complementary areas such as Breath Re-education and Pilates. My aim is to provide a potentially life-changing process for women.

I help women just like you

I am passionate and committed to supporting women, usually over 40, who might be struggling to manage the changes going on in their body, energy levels, and their life in general. I adopt a personalised approach with each woman, but always with the same ultimate goal – helping women to be mentally and physically confident and ready to enjoy the best years of their lives.

My own story illustrates how I arrived at this approach: 

In my 30s and 40s, I coped well with the stresses of life.

Good nutrition and regular exercise helped me juggle life with young children and a career teaching Science in London secondary schools.  My passion to help other women look after their own health grew all the stronger during these years, and I began working as a Nutritional Therapist and a Personal Trainer.  My strongest interests always lay with the body and its optimum functioning.  

Loliya Harrison smiling

But things changed when I entered my 50s

My nutrition and exercise regimes became less effective.  Weight management and avoiding injury when exercising became issues.  Menopause meant I had differing, more complex, needs and I focused on these.   Over the years I completed further training to become a Massage Therapist, Pilates Instructor, a Breath Re-education instructor and a Nutrigenomics Practitioner.  I was fortunate in finding an excellent lifestyle coach who helped me understand my own mindset.  I used this increased level of knowledge to develop an approach that reset my hormones, managed my weight and helped me really enjoy my life more.

Finally I qualified as a One of Many Certified Women’s Coach – this really helped me focus on my interest in the particular concerns facing women. Coaching is a practical approach that encourages us to develop confidence, use our feminine energy (’soft power’), and to make lasting changes in our lives.

Coaching changed my life

I now use a coaching approach with all my clients.  This is because in the past a woman would maybe come with her own perceived needs,  but more complex needs invariably emerged.  For example, with a woman asking for an exercise programme, it would emerge that she would also benefit from nutritional therapy.  Or alternatively a woman who wanted nutritional change would become confident enough to begin exercising again. Sometimes we would come to realise that food or exercise was being used to cover for boundary and emotional issues such as ‘overwhelm’ or lack of purpose. I’ve therefore evolved my flexible coaching model.  This employs my range of specialisms with one ultimate goal – to enhance the individual woman’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing to help her enjoy the best years of her life.

Find out more about my qualifications and experience.

Book a Free no obligation call to explore what's going on for you now in this phase of your life and come up with your next step action plan to feel healthy, calm and reclaim your energy and confidence.

Book a free no obligation call now.


Loliya Harrison is a licensed women's vitality and life coach, a registered nutritional therapist, nutrigenomics practitioner, personal trainer and pilates teacher from North London. She supports menopausal, perimenopausal and postmenopausal women who want to reclaim their confidence, feel amazing and enjoy their life more.

Source of statistics: thebms.org.uk

© Loliya Harrison   |   Website by The Good Alliance

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4 ‘Essential ingredients’ check sheet
Sign up for your FREE checksheet to fall in love with your body and life during your perimenopausal years and beyond.