You will recognise when you are in the presence of a truly confident person.
People with confidence have a knowing, an inner certainty – but it is not bragging. That person has an aura around them that captures the attention of everyone around them. They are often admired.
It causes people to trust in their ability. People feel safe when following their lead.
What does a confident person look like?
My image of a confident person was someone who stands up in front of people and delivers a flawless speech, always puts themself up for promotion at work, never doubts themself, able to strike up conversations with strangers, takes the initiative, is comfortable with telling everyone how brilliant they are without sounding as though they are showing off or exaggerating.
Basically everything I wasn’t.
As I continue to work on myself, I’m learning there is more depth to confidence than my initial thoughts told me. And you can experience this depth when you are in the presence of a truly confident person.
This article will discuss how we all have confidence within us and how you can access it.
Why Do We Want More Confidence?
Pure raw self-confidence allows you to move ahead in life. You feel positive about your ability to become good in an area where you may not know very much about at the moment.
Confidence will give you the freedom to do what you want in life.
While some people are naturally more self-assured than others, pure, deep, raw self-confidence is a mental state, which can be developed.
Not only do we all have confidence in us, but we can also develop it. No matter what your level of confidence is, here are 3 steps to help you strengthen your confidence:
3 Ways To Improve Your Self-Confidence
Cultivate a positive self-image. When you think of yourself, what do you think of? “I’m not good enough”, “I have nothing interesting to say”, “they’ll laugh at me”, etc. Could you change those thoughts to “I’m always well received”, “people who need to hear my message will hear it”, “I am good at what I do.” Confidence has nothing to do with what’s going on outside of you. It is all about what’s going on inside you
Work on recognising your strengths and managing your weaknesses. Start by making a list. This is challenging for most of us! You will probably find your weaknesses are a longer list. Work on managing those weaknesses. For example, could you get someone to help you do the things you’re not good at? This will give you the time and energy to focus your attention on developing your strengths so you get better at what you already do well. You’ll enjoy doing what you are good at, in turn making you feel more confident.
Treat every person you meet as the most important person in the world. Look for what they do well, what you like in them and let them know you notice it. They may not see it themselves. Offer sincere, merited compliments. The good you find in others is often a reflection of the good you have in yourself. This can make you feel good about yourself, and your confidence will soar.
I’d love to hear about your experience of confidence. Try some of these tips and let me know what works for you!
If you feel you are ready to take your confidence to the next level, I can help.
Book your free no obligation discovery call with me and let’s see if we can come up with a next-step action plan to start you on your journey of confidence.