Tips For Surviving Christmas

You’ve worked hard all year to get fitter, lose your sugar cravings and take control of your health. Then along comes Christmas. You may be worried that all the hard work you have put in to developing healthier eating and exercise habits will be undone. As long as you...

How you sit down and get up can predict mortality risk.

The Sitting-Rising Test (SRT), developed by Brazilian researchers, was used on middle-aged and elderly adults to predict longevity. The test involved sitting on the floor and then getting up again, without using your hands, knees or other body parts. Scores of 0-5 for...
4 ‘Essential ingredients’ check sheet
Sign up for your FREE checksheet to fall in love with your body and life during your perimenopausal years and beyond.
4 ‘Essential ingredients’ check sheet
Sign up for your FREE checksheet to fall in love with your body and life during your perimenopausal years and beyond.